As a nonprofit consultant, I wanted to start a blog to share my experience as a consultant and to provide useful information and tips to others who want to change the world (whether in their community or around the globe) by doing good. I wanted to blog "well" so before I got started, I invested time reading blogs of other consulants and like-minded people. Then I wrote my first post. It was ok, so I wrote another. It was good, so I wrote a few more. They were better than the first. Each post (I hope) did what I had set out to do: share my experience and provide useful information and tips. But each time I would sit down to write a post, it felt like a chore. I spent a lot of time and effort worrying if the post read like those of other bloggers. Eventually, weeks and sometimes months went by between my posts. Then I realized the problem... My blog posts weren't flowing because I had made myself a puppet and the bloggers I follow ventriloquists! How did this happen? My words but not my voice. I was shocked and disappointed. Then I made a change. As of today, the blog formerly known as "The Word Woman at Work" is now "Change the world. Do Good." This title better defines my philosophy on life and the things I desire to write about. So brace yourself, my fellow Do-Gooder! I'm no longer operating in a box, so expect my future posts to be informative but fun, engaging, and occassionally a bit shocking. Isn't changing the world fun, engaging, and occassionally a bit shocking? Until my next post....Keep doing good!