Thursday, January 17, 2013

Like the President, I’m preparing for an Inaugural! How Exciting!

The inaugural session of my Do-Good Chat is just a week away. I am so excited by the amount of interest and the questions! What is the “Chat”? It’s a monthly teleseminar for people who are currently taking action toward their vision of a better world through service in the nonprofit sector or who are just getting started. I address your pressing questions and provide information related to starting, operating and sustaining a nonprofit organization. The content of each discussion will be completely determined by participant questions!
The idea to do the “Chat” simply popped in my head one day when I was answering one of the many “quick” questions I receive by email and social networking site. I have found that many people have the same questions. So instead of answering each person individually, the Chat will allow people to hear answers to their questions and those of others.
Each call will begin with answers to questions submitted in advance, followed by (as time permits) additional questions and comments from participants. Here are a few examples of the questions I’ve received thus far:
·         I am in the planning stages for my nonprofit and I’d like some tips on how to recruit board members.

·         I have been doing lots of volunteer work at my son’s school and could use some fresh ideas on how to manage volunteers and events.

·         I just started my nonprofit and we don’t have 501(c)3 status yet, does that mean we cannot ask for grants and donations?
 Have you registered for the FREE Inaugural Do-Good Chat? Space is limited, so don’t delay!
Click here to register.

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