Monday, October 7, 2013

The Word Woman to Provide Nonprofit Coaching at the 5th Annual MD Women's Conference

Michelle Nusum-Smith, owner and principal consultant at The Word Woman LLC will provide nonprofit coaching at the 5th Annual Maryland Women's Conference. The event takes place in Frederick, MD on Saturday, October 26th.  Mrs. Nusum-Smith’s Do-Good Coaching is for anyone who currently or wanting to serve the nonprofit sector. She will answer questions and provide information related to starting a nonprofit, getting a job at a nonprofit, and volunteering at a nonprofit.

Click here for more information about the 5th Annual Maryland Women's Conference

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Four Steps towards Starting a Nonprofit

There are many articles, workshops and services that will suggest you start a nonprofit by filing Articles of Incorporation with your state and applying for 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service, but there are several key steps you should take first.

In a sentence or two, formalize your reason for starting a nonprofit.


In a sentence or two, describe what your nonprofit would aim to do.


Imagine that your nonprofit has accomplished what it set out to do. In a sentence or two, describe what the would look like as it relates to your cause.


To launch a sustainable and impactful nonprofit requires help. You may already have volunteers who help you deliver programs and services, but your nonprofit will also needs volunteers who support you by providing support and oversight. You will need a board of directors. You need at least five people who will support your vision by give their TIME (attend meetings), TALENT (volunteer their expertise and skills), and TREASURE (donate generously to your cause).

Want more support in taking the steps toward starting a nonprofit?
Send an email to for a FREE copy of
Four Steps Towards Starting a Nonprofit, an exercise for future founders.