Friday, May 6, 2016

Was Your Nonprofit Program Designed to Fail?

The founder of a new nonprofit recently engaged my help with improving how her organization’s mission, vision and programs were presented in their marketing materials. She had been told by potential funders that they were unclear. My approach in this situation is not to immediately look at the materials (in this case the website) but to first have a conversation with the client.

I asked her to share with me the purpose of her organization. She began with a one-sentence generic goal and immediately began explaining the organization’s activities. I quickly interrupted her and explained we were not finished discussing the purpose.

I tried a different approach and asked her to explain the problem her organization addresses. Again, she gave me a general description of broad issues that were not specific to any group of individuals. Her description was full of jargon and catch phrases but no substance. I asked, “Where do the people you serve live?” Again, her answer was general – the city and county. I kept pushing, “I’m sure there are specific neighborhoods where a significant number of your target population live. What are they?” She couldn’t answer.

Her passion for helping is real. Her intentions are good. But passion and good intentions are not enough to design impactful programs.

Impactful programs are designed around a well-defined problem that is proven by third-party data. Further, those to be served are clearly defined, including who they are, where they are, what they have and what they need, how to their needs will be met, and ultimately what will change (long-term impact) as a result of the service they receive. This information is the foundation for a program designed to succeed. It is only after these key elements are defined that a nonprofit can determine what resources are necessary to carry out the program.
Individual donors and grant makers invest in long-term impact (outcomes) and not activities. Are you in the middle of developing a program? Are you having trouble raising funds to support your program? Is what you intended different from what you are seeing from your program? The Word Woman LLC can help. Contact us at to schedule a free consultation.

Michelle Nusum-Smith, an experienced nonprofit leader, consultant, coach and trainer, is a self-proclaimed “Do-gooder who helps do-gooders to do good.” Michelle is the owner and principal consultant at The Word Woman LLC, a nonprofit consulting company. She has nearly 20 years nonprofit experience, including program development, financial management, fundraising (including grant writing and individual donor cultivation), human resource management, marketing and public relations, board relations, and event planning. • • 240-215-4984

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